Welcome To the Swinging Strings Blog

The Swinging Strings Project would like to welcome pupils, parents and all interested parties to our website. This blog tracks the progress of 80+ children (and their teachers!) as they learn the violin. It is intended to act as a resource for the pupils as they progress and act as an information point for parents, teachers etc.

The project is delivered on an inclusive basis and links to the Irish Primary Music Curriculum. This means that ALL students particpate irrespective of musical backgrounds. It is believed that it is the one of biggest inclusive projects of its kind in the country. Have a look around and learn all about our violin project. Our cover photo was taken by award winning press photographer, John Kelly.
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Thank you

Cathy Desmond

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Matinée Recital in Hall


Well done to all the students of 4th class students . Well done also to the orchestra class .  Bravo to the announcers, the cello and bass players and percussionist. How commanding were those leaders ! Couldn't have done it better myself Nathan, Sean and Emmanuel. Thank you to Mr Walsh,Ms McMahon and Mr Corry for your coopoeration.  Well done to Mrs Hallahan and Mr Murray from our Mams and dads class. The band played splendidly and we had great support from Ms Carrigg on keyboard.

I will be posting some photos as soon as I have them to hand. In the meantime here are the programme notes for today.

Ennis National School proudly presents
   Swinging Strings Ensemble 2012 with Ennis NS Band
 A lunchtime recital  at the Halla  on
Wednesday 5th  December  11.45am
Mr Walsh and Class
O Come All you Faithful                trad.    Pizz on G
Toreador’s March from Carmen Bizet    pizz on D and A                  
Joy to the World                             Handel
Good King Wenceslas                   trad
Ms Mc Mahon and  Class
Mary Had a Baby                         trad.
We’re Walking in the Air            Howard Blake
Silent Night                                   Gruber                                             
Foxtrot                                           Peter Martin
Orchestra Class 
French Folk Song 
with guests from Second Chance Class Twinkle Twinkle 

Mr Corry and Class  
Away in a Manger  
Irelands’s Call                              Phil Coulter
Ode to Joy                                    Beethoven
Down Up Bells                             Pierpoint

Ennis National School Band directed by Fiona de Buitléir
Swinging Strings directed by Cathy Desmond

The Swinging Strings programme was first commissioned in 2010 by Principal Mr Ray McInerney. It is one of a handful of whole class music tuition projects running in Irish schools.  The project  is coordinated by Mrs Fiona de Buitléir of  Ennis N.S. To date nearly 240 children in Ennis NS have now participated and received  violin tuition  in Ennis NS. The objective is to fulfil the Arts curriculum in tandem with  offering every student the experience of playing in an ensemble and experience all musical genres The programme has expanded this year to include an after school  class offering specialist string tuition as an option for students wishing to continue learning an instrument .  This year the first adult’s class was launched making the  musical activity intergenerational at Ennis NS

Ennis National School Band  was initiated 30 years ago by Sean McDermot.  We are delighted to have several of Sean’s grandchildren playing with the band. We believe that the school is  unique in the scale of collaboration between the fledgling Swinging Strings ensemble and the established school band. The number of pupils participating in the annual Shannonside School Band Spectacular, (an initiative of the school to broaden the playing experience of band members) tripled on the previous years with all 4th class students participating in the gala occasion at Shannon Airport.

The  Swinging Strings project director, Cathy Desmond  is a  graduate of NUI Maynooth, and holds a Licentiate of Trinity College London. A professional violin and viola player, she has played with a range of ensembles including, the National Youth Orchestra, Limerick Baroque Players and the Corn Barn Players. She was awarded a National Youth Orchestra Achievement Award for her work in establishing a school orchestra in  St Peter’s College Dunboyne.  Cathy was a finalist in the Ennis Chamber Business Excellence Awards 2012

Updates, reports and photographs of the programme are posted regularly on the dedicated web site,  www.swingingstrings.blogspot.com which can also be accessed via www.ennins.ie We encourage parents, guardians, grandparents, and friends  etc, etc to monitor the projects’s  progress on the site and comments are always welcome.

The class kit consists of half size violins and double bass.  We use Stentor 1 instruments as supplied locally by Custy’s. We are always delighted to accept donations of instruments or to discuss sponsorship opportunities.  

The second term of tuition will resume in January 2013 and further exciting performing opportunities are planned in the New Year.

Thinking of buying a violin ? . We recommend Stentor 1 or Primavera student violins supplied  locally  by Custy’s .           Cost €90  to Swinging Strings participants.

Queries: Cathy Desmond at cdstringschool@gmail.com
                 Fiona de Buitléir  info@ennisns.ie


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